Bedford Field Notes
Laura DeMott, Geologist, New York Water Science Center, a division of the US Geological Survey (USGS). Laura works on a variety of research projects relating to karst hydrology, bedrock and aquifer mapping, water quality, and Geographic Information Systems. She is a broadly trained geoscientist with a variety of research interests in sedimentary geology and geochemistry, aqueous geochemistry, paleolimnology and paleoclimate, and terrestrial carbonates.
Rod Christie, Executive Director, Mianus River Gorge. Rod is a wildlife biologist with over 40 years of experience in land conservation, ecological research and education and has been involved in countless environmental efforts throughout the region, many of which have been key to the health and beauty of the Mianus River, its wildlife and its watershed community.
Wednesday, May 21 - 6:00-8:00pm
Historical Hall, Bedford, NY
MODERATOR: David Pogue, "CBS Sunday Morning" correspondent, will moderate all three programs. He’s a seven-time Emmy winner, five-time TED speaker, host of 20 “NOVA”science specials on PBS, creator of the CBS News podcast “Unsung Science.” He began his career conducting and arranging Broadway musicals, then made the obvious evolution to writing for computer magazines; eventually, he became the weekly New York Times tech columnist, a task he fulfilled for 13 years. Pogue is the author of more than 120 books, including seven books in the “…for Dummies” series, dozens in his own “Missing Manual” series and his magnum opus, “How to Prepare for Climate Change.” He serves on the board of Bedford 2030, and he lives in Bedford Hills.
It’s a miracle most of us take for granted: we turn on our kitchen taps and drinkable water comes out. Whether you draw from a well or a centralized system, you rely on the ground waters and a wondrous network of underground caverns, rock ledges and sandy pits that live deep beneath the surface of Bedford’s earth. This subterranean and above-the-surface exploration will forever expand your understanding of a world your life depends on.
Marc Yaggi, Chief Executive Officer, Waterkeeper Alliance, serving as a leading voice for a global movement dedicated to securing clean, healthy, and abundant water. Having spent his formative years in the Susquehanna River watershed in Pennsylvania, Marc developed a profound connection to water through experiences on myriad waterways. As an accomplished author, his articles and research papers resonate across publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, AP, Bloomberg, and Reuters, amplifying his influence in the global dialogue on environmental issues. Marc further advocates for change by serving on several advisory boards in the non-profit and for-profit sectors.