Bedford Field Notes

Black bear in a flower-covered forest clearing.
David Pogue
Scott Loarie of iNaturalist


Thursday, April 24 - 6:00-8:00pm

Historical Hall, Bedford, NY

Your Bedford backyard is a dynamic ecosystem filled with biological intrigue. Learn from experts about the changing world of mammals—including bears, bobcats, coyotes, opossums, skunks, otters, and muskrats that populate our local area—along with creatures such as snakes, frogs, turtles and salamanders that play a vital role.

MODERATOR: David Pogue, "CBS Sunday Morning" correspondent, will moderate all three programs. He’s a seven-time Emmy winner, five-time TED speaker, host of 20 “NOVA”science specials on PBS, creator of the CBS News podcast “Unsung Science.” He began his career conducting and arranging Broadway musicals, then made the obvious evolution to writing for computer magazines; eventually, he became the weekly New York Times tech columnist, a task he fulfilled for 13 years. Pogue is the author of more than 120 books, including seven books in the “…for Dummies” series, dozens in his own “Missing Manual” series and his magnum opus, “How to Prepare for Climate Change.” He serves on the board of Bedford 2030, and he lives in Bedford Hills.

Dr. Scott Loarie, Executive Director, iNaturalist. iNaturalist is considered the largest citizen science project in the world, an open-source platform that connects people of all backgrounds and ages to nature, allowing the collection of biodiversity data to scale like never before. Before his work at iNaturalist, Scott received his M.S. in biological science from Stanford and his Ph.D. in environmental science and policy from Duke University, where he went on to postdoctoral and research positions concerning agricultural yield and climate modeling with the Carnegie Institution for Science.

Budd Veverka, Director of Land Management for Mianus River Gorge. A noted expert on bears and other mammals, invasive species, and forest restoration, Budd spent more than a decade as a wildlife biologist in several states across the South and Midwest; including in Indiana where his research focused on farmland wildlife, and he authored the National Wildlife Pheasant Conservation Plan. Recognized as a Certified Wildlife Biologist and Fellow by The Wildlife Society, Budd was most recently president of their Northeast Section Chapter.

Water, May 21st

Land, June 11th